Sharing a mini photo journey of a few of my special trips I’ve been blessed to experience and share in throughout the years…
Got centered at Life Source Retreats with Dr. Tess Mauricio and other lovely friends, and worked with The Waterbearers & Waves for Water to help install water filtration systems.
“The Waterbearers is inspiring women who have access to clean water – to get it to those who do not. We seek women to step into leadership and run a campaign to raise funds for 100 clean water systems. Each system serves 100 people for a total of One Million people reached with clean water. 100% of your Donation goes to the cost of the filter and distribution program via out partners Waves for Water.”
Tiffany and I went to share gifts atorphanages in Malawi, yet we received so much more in the smiles, laughter, dance and songs of the people…
I traveled with a friend in the Peace Corps to learn about the work they were doing, and also had the opportunity to visit Tikal and climb high above the forest in the Mayan Ruins.